Sakshi under Mrs Tandon’s guidance, has helped the most vulnerable people in Covid lockdowns by giving food, arranging transport to their hometowns and she has looked after “mazdoors” (Often daily waged unskilled labour) as her children. It has been amazing working with her.
Harish Bajaj
Elections officer, SDM South-East District & Nodal Officer for Food SE District
Compassion is not just about feeling empathy for those in pain but doing something about it. Educating children by Sakshi is a very good example of it.

Anil Sachdev
Founder & CEO, School of Inspired Leadership(SOIL)
[It’s great] that children are being put through childhood education..formal, non formal and vocational education

Amitabh Kant
The project between TAP India and Sakshi which focuses on education for migrant children is what society needs.

Prasoon Joshi
CEO, McCann World Group India
We support vulnerable children and women in National Capital Region (NCR), India
Enroll the Drop-Out and Never Been to School children in the formal educational system by facilitating their admission in the schools
Give children cognitive, physical, social and emotional skills they need to succeed in life
Support children risk at giving up school due to lack of financial support or financial pressures