The second wave of Covid is the most serious health crises ever seen. India’s second coronavirus wave has created a devastating impact, the situation on ground is desperate. We are working on-ground, especially in the marginalized, at risk migrant communities.
SAKSHI in the past 26 years has worked across PAN India through its community centric interventions projects in the domain of, education, health and livelihood etc. Through this wide-ranging project expertise, we were able to build strong relationships with not just the community but also at district and state level. It was because of this experience we were prepared with a plan of action when the country went into the lockdown.
1. Project Covid Non-ICU Centre:- Using existing SAKSHI Centers in Slum Areas,
Oxygen Beds -Completely Free, fully maintained, Each Bed to be with OXYGEN GAS, 20 attending Staff in 4 shifts per day, Medical Supervision and Consultants, Full cooked Meals
For this We need OXYGEN CONCENTRATORS, PPE KITS, OXYGEN CYLINDERS, MEDICINES, Medical Supervision and Consultants, Running Expenses
2. Hunger Relief – Dry Ration Distribution to wage less labour
3. Food distribution for COVID Patient’s relatives at Hospitals
4. Cash in hand for extreme economic distress – migrant labor’s orphaned children
5. Cooked meal distribution to COVID Patients
6. Community Awareness and Counselling
7. Helpline – Tele Consult and Prescription with Doctor for elders

COVID Pandemic’s deadly second wave has hit our country hard India is suffering.
We need to prepare to contain this and to also prepare ourselves for any future fallouts
SAKSHI worked incessantly since the beginning of 2020 COVID Pandemic working on-ground, in the migrant communities.
Sakshi in the past 26 years has worked in PAN India through its community centric interventions projects in the domain of, education, health and livelihood etc. Through this wide-ranging project expertise, we have built strong relationships with not just the community but also at district and state level. It was because of this experience we were prepared with a plan of action when the country went into the lockdown
Our teams are well-equipped with the knowledge and experience from last year to reach out to the affected communities in a time-bound manner, keeping in mind all the safety precautions and guidelines.
With the support of partners like
Microsoft, AkzoNobel India Ltd, Blackberrys, Hindustan Unilever Limited, GlaxoSmithKline Health Care, Rio-Tinto, CAF India, Barco Electronics, Sage Publication, Nitya Tax Associates, Lumax Charitable Foundation to name a few, SAKSHI was able to ensure many gaps in the system could be plugged alongside that, the communities could also be supported in the difficult times.
With extensive experience and learning from SAKSHI COVID-19 RELIEF PROGRAM 2020 we realized that there was a strong need for community awareness activities to make these at-risk communities aware of how they can take care of themselves and their loved one.
Identifying a crucial segment of Frontline Covid Workers who are the backbone of the system and at maximal risk – our health workers and sanitation workers program provided them with PPE Kits to these at-risk groups, directly with the support of the CMO and the Urban Health Centres. Instead of giving the kits to the heads of the health centre and sanitation workers we made sure that we give the kits directly to these people on our own. This whole intervention created a huge positive impact for not just the people who we were able to support but also, we managed to strengthen our partnership with the district and state level authorities.
– the Police and Public Offices –
We distributed in bulk Quantities- N95 Mask, 3 Layer Mask, Gloves, Sanitary Pad, Milk, Dry Ration, Solar Lamp, Cooked Food, Sanitation Kit, Sanitizers, Hand Wash Automatic Sanitizers, and Oximeters for the underprivileged communities.
Ventilators for ICU to Bara Hindu Rao Hospital
Rehabilitation and livelihood Sustainability
– by training Migrant Labour to new skills – like mobile Repairing and Garment Fabrication
Running many such successful programs, we aim to reach the most vulnerable populace of the country.
Our appeal:
With the rising shortage of medical equipment and services, we need to act ‘NOW’ and fill the gaps. Therefore, a lot more ground work is required to prepare our communities and manage this crisis in India.
The COVID 19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on all communities around the world, since 2020. With the onslaught of the second wave bringing along with it an unprecedented surge of new variants, has left the already overburdened health care system in India on the brink of collapse. It is deeply saddening to see how the drastic and deadly effect of the pandemic has spread across the country taking a horrific toll. Lives in India hang by a thread as the sub-continent reels under the world’s worst outbreak of this deadly disease.
In view of the terrible pandemic raging across the country, the need of the hour is to strengthen and support the overburdened health care system through provision of medical supplies, equipment, facilities, treatment and logistical help. Hospitals lack staff and medical equipment in terms of crucial supplies like oxygen, ventilators and diagnostic kits. The sad reality is that many patients need help to just breathe, a simple thing that we all take for granted. Delhi our capital is currently one of the worst hit cities relentlessly battling Covid-19. (We could add one line, stating present numbers of those who have COVID, deaths etc.). The ground situation undoubtedly is extremely grim and critical, calling out for help and support, from all quarters.
We at SAKSHI, have a long history of working with deprived, marginalized communities in Delhi. Since the outbreak of COVID in 2020, we have supported those living in the slum areas, migrants and at risk needy communities. The present crisis however, calls for timely, intensive, need based action on a much larger scale and in multiple ways. Our new COVID 19 Relief Program 2021 aims at reaching out to greater numbers from the most disadvantaged and vulnerable communities, through a holistic program offering a wide range of quality services as they face a terrible and painful life-or-death situation.
A multi- pronged approach has been visualized to realize our major goal of providing adequate medical facilities to the underprivileged in the slum areas of the capital. To achieve this, it is planned to convert our existing educational centres into 24×7 operational Non – ICU Oxygenated Centres. Facilities will include patient beds equipped with oxygen support for each bed, Oxygen Concentrators, Oxygen Cylinders. Complete medical supervision and daily consultant visits will also be organized. The staff will be provided salaries, meals and transport as also PPE kits, whereas patients will avail of quality facilities, treatment, medication, oxygen as needed and free nutritious food.
Equally critical is taking care of the migrant daily wage labourers in the city, who are severely affected by loss of livelihood and thus lack of economic resources. This calls for providing dry rations, sanitation supplies and even cooked food on a daily basis as per the need in each community.
A programme for awareness generation on all aspects of COVID complemented with continuous counselling will also be simultaneously undertaken. A Medical Helpline particularly for the elderly with the purpose of Teleconsulting with Doctors in order to minimise exposure is also planned.
This is a terrible and deeply saddening period in our lives and the ray of hope is each one of you out there who can be a lifeline for so many helpless, suffering victims. Sakshi needs your support to ensure that food, equipment, medical facilities and timely aid reaches the deprived and needy.
We appeal to every Indian citizen and make a special plea to our friends in other countries to donate generously. In this hour of need let us all join hands and work together to alleviate the pain and suffering of our sisters, brothers and little children in distress and save others, from the tentacles of the COVID 19 virus during this horrific crisis.